Myths and Symbols in Art Nouveau Architecture

The book Myths and Symbols in Art Nouveau architecture will reveal to you the secrets stored in the elements and motifs characteristic of the style.

Книга «Мифы и символы в архитектуре модерна» откроет вам секреты, хранящиеся в элементах и ​​мотивах, характерных для этого стиля.

At the turn of 20th century the Art Nouveau style in architecture flourished. In Europe, it was a time of tremendous cultural upheaval, when previous eras of art were once again rethought. Diverse cultures and traditions were drawn into reshaping the artistic realm, among them: Ancient Egyptian, Eastern cultures, Ancient Nordic, and Celtic. This synthesis gave rise to a hole new world – the world of the 20th century, which was both uniform and contradictory.

The Peacock

„Yet it was not only the beautiful plumage of the peacock that mattered. As most of fauna inspired decors of the Art Nouveau, the peacock is related to the sun. In ancient Egypt, the peacock symbolizes Heliopolis, the worship site of Ra, the solar deity. In Christianity, the peacock as the bird of paradise standing close to the sun symbolizes immortality.”

Author Irina Antipina


H=20.5 W=15cm
